"A basic yoga routine that introduces the Pulse concept of micro movements within a posture. Key areas such as abdominal, lower back and gluteous muscles are targeted. Alternating right/left pulse movements with free weights define and sculpt the upper body.
-Apply the use of free weights in novel ways to basic yoga postures
-Strengthen and tone key areas such as the abdominals, lower back and upper arms
-Teach core awareness
-Stretch chronically tight areas such as the hamstrings and hip flexors
60 Minutes
Only $14.99
"Pulse Yoga is a result of my personal quest to find yoga routines that accomplish much more than other yoga styles. A few years ago I was diagnosed with osteopenia. This is almost osteoporosis, but not quite. I was shocked as I have been practicing yoga for so many years and consider myself to be in very good physical condition. The doctor told me that I needed to do some sort of weight training program. I have never really liked working out in a gym, always preferring yoga. I also did not want to give up precious time allotted to my yoga practice, so I decided to incorporate free weights into my yoga routines.
As a woman in my 50's, I also wanted more toning, strengthening and increased muscle definition, again without using machines in the gym. So, in addition to the free weights, I added micro movements that primarily target areas such as the gluteous muscles, abdominals, upper arms and lower back. These micro movements within the yoga postures are highly effective with results that are noticeable immediately."
Want to win your own copy of Pulse Yoga? One random Oh My Baby reader will win! Leave me a comment by Nov 12th telling me one thing you learned about Pulse Yoga or it's founders. Winner will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen.
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The maker of the dvds found out she had osteopenia and her doctors told her she had to incorporate some type of weights into her routine.
Thanks for the chance!
Argie has done over 15,000 yoga classes. Thats quite a bit of yoga!
mpelosi at partners dot org
I learned "in addition to the free weights, she added micro movements that primarily target areas such as the gluteus muscles, abdominals, upper arms and lower back. These micro movements within the yoga postures are highly effective with results that are noticeable immediately."
Which is awesome!
I'm a first time mommy-to-be and have been very worried about working out after the baby to get that pre-baby body back. I've been looking for a high effective yoga to do So I can work out at home without using loud machines. It would be nice to workout while my baby is playing or napping in the same room!
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Wow! I had no idea so many other people were dealing with osteopenia too. I'm right on the fence and I'm just 31!!!
I started working out with weights when I found out about my bones. How awesome that when the makers of the dvd found out they had it they were motivated to make something to benefit everyone.
I love yoga and would love this dvd to figure out how to incorporate weights. Thanks for the chance. :)
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Added your button in my blogroll at http://thesuburbanjungle.blogspot.com
The originator combined yoga, the use of free weights, and her own "micro movements" to create her brand of "Pulse Yoga."
I am a follower of Oh My Baby! :)
I subscribe to Oh My Baby, too! :)
Argie opened the first Yoga College of India for Bikram Choudrury in 1978. Very cool! Thanks for the chance! bekki1820cb@gmail.com
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This program uses weights for their yoga workout. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.
dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com
I m a subscriber. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.
dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com
Argie opened the first Yoga College of India for Bikram Choudrury in 1978! I didn't even realize Yoga had been around that long!!
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Pulse Yoga is a Scientifically Proven Fitness System and it's headquarters are located in Vail, Colorado.
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Argie has done over 15,000 yoga classes - wow!
They have added weights to Yoga! what a great idea!
I learned that one of the founders was diagnosed with osteopenia (this is almost osteoporosis)...and she had been doing regular yoga and thought she was fit. So the doctor told her to add weights to her routine. Thus...became Pulse yoga.
pippirose59 at gmail dot com
I'm a follower.
pippirose59 at gmail dot com
I subscribed via Google Reader.
pippirose59 at gmail dot com
I learned that Argie opened the first Yoga College of India for Bikram Choudrury in 1978!
Pulse Yoga was created by a woman in her 50's as a way to help with osteopenia.
I'm a follower.
I have never heard of free weights with yoga.
denise_22315 at yahoo dot com
I subscribe.
denise_22315 at yahoo dot com
Pulse yoga seems so easy and it would definately fit into my day. I would love to try it out. The experience of the instructor is very impressive .
The main reason that this yoga was made was because of a medical conditon opteopenia. Kbroderi@msn.com
I learned that Argie opened the first Yoga College of India for Bikram Choudrury in 1978
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I learned that Pulse Yoga is a combination of yoga, free weights and her own micro movements. I never tried to do yoga before but in the past few years I have thought about doing it. Maybe this dvd is the kickstart I need!
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