Yes, it's for real.
After having another baby just a few months ago, I wanted to shed the baby weight. I was excited when asked if I wanted to try The Hollywood Cookie Diet. Eating cookies to lose weight is a dream of many people. Unfortunately, as I was taking my first bite of the Lemon cookie I noticed the warning sign on the side of the box to not eat if pregnant or nursing. Since I'm still nursing Baby L, I had to put the cookie down. In comes my lucky sister-in-law E. I passed the cookies on to her because she was just starting a diet herself.
The Hollywood Cookie Diet comes in 3 tasty flavors - Chocolate Chip, Lemon and Oatmeal Raisin. You eat a cookie for breakfast, lunch and two snacks. The Hollywood Cookie Diet's website even gives you sensible dinner choices to complete your day. Each cookie contains approximately 150 calories and necessary nutrients for the day so eating the cookies help to relieve your hunger while helping you lose weight.
E eats her cookies and has this to say "I was expecting a hard cardboard tasting cookie. I was surprised that the cookie was actually soft and moist. The chocolate chip was my favorite of the three. To be honest, it's not exactly a Mrs. Field's from the mall but it was a good cookie. It doesn't have that weird diet taste. If you had just given me the cookie I wouldn't have guessed it was for a diet. It was hard at first to only eat that for breakfast after not eating all night but it was a good filling snack throughout the day." In the first week with cookies and exercise she lost 4 lbs.
You can purchase any of the cookie flavors or the variety pack for just $19.95 a box. With 12 cookies in each box, that is less than $2.00 per serving. Also, in these busy times, it is perfect for meals on the go.
I received this product free of charge. It was the only form of "payment" I received. I am not responsible for the use of this product or promise of weight loss.
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