Due to overwhelming demands of his fans, the new Michael Bublé album Crazy Love is being released 4 days early on Friday October 9th. How amazing is that? This should be your first sign to run out and get Michael's new album. Your second sign should come right after you check out his video for his first single off the new album
"I just haven't met you yet"
Can you honestly tell me you weren't toe-tapping to that tune? Not to mention he's pretty nice to look at huh? Crazy Love includes two original songs as well as Micheal's take on 11 songs we already love like "Georgia on My Mind" and "Heartache Tonight".
Singer and songwriter Michael Bublé has sold over 22 million albums worldwide. I became a fan after hearing his song "Home" from his previous album. I love the new single "I just haven't met you yet" and track 7 "Hold On". Michael's album has a good mix of the upbeat-head bopping tunes and as well as the slower songs that you can really feel through his words. Even my husband was impressed.
Oprah is a huge fan of Michael's and he's going to be appearing on her show. Check your local listings for day and times. If you're in the D.C. area he's on Friday, October 9th. Check out Michael's website for all the latest and greatest news, music and pictures.
I received a free copy of this CD for review. It was the only form of "payment" I received. The views and opinions are my own.
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