Welcome to the first day of Oh My Baby's Holiday Extravaganza! To kick off this fun event my first review and giveaway is for a Strider Running Bike. If you haven't heard of this bike before I'm sure you'll want one by the end of this post. This has got to be one of my favorite things I've had the pleasure to review. Not only because it's such a great product but because J truly loves this bike.

Here's a little info straight from Strider to explain what makes their bikes so special
"Tricycles tip over, scrape ankles, and are difficult to pedal. Bicycles with training wheels are tall, heavy, unstable and downright scary for young riders. Both have the potential to cause painful injuries and fear.
Not true with the Strider™.
The Strider™ running bike is free from any cables, chains, sprockets, pedals or protrusions that can harm your child.
And the Strider™ is steady, stable and safe. At the first feeling of instability, your child will instinctively place both feet securely on the ground. So there are no "tricycle tip-overs" or "training-wheel wobbles" that stir-up a fear, hesitancy, or dislike of bike riding."

I was lucky enough to get a chance to review this bike. When the box arrived J went nuts! The picture of the bike is on the box so he knew exactly what it was. The Strider bike was so easy to put together I didn't have to wait for hubby to get home to do it. And the best part was that the Strider bike came with its own wrench so I didn't have to dig through hubby's toolbox and guess what would fit. I seriously put this thing together in a matter of minutes. The bike is so light, weighting a mere 7 lbs. J can pick it up himself.
So once the Strider bike was put together I just had to adjust the seat for J. He's tall for his age (90th percentile, thanks daddy!) so being able to adjust the seat to his correct height was pretty important. J was hovering over me the whole time so once the bike was together he jumped right on.

Like with anything new, J was a little wobbly at first. He's used to riding tricycles and his ride-on toys that all have 4 wheels. My husband was a skeptic, "A bike with no pedals? What is that going to teach him?" Well it taught him a lot. Within the first couple of days J was going several feet at a time with his feet up and balancing himself. Next thing I knew he wanted to go down the small hills in our neighborhood to be able to ride longer. He was so proud of himself and knew he was doing a good job. The skeptic husband turned into a Strider lover too.

While outside, I had a neighbor I didn't know stop and tell me how impressed she was watching J riding this bike because he was so young and did it without training wheels. I can't begin to tell you how much J loves this bike. I'm excited to know that when Baby L gets big enough he'll have hours of fun on this bike too.
Want to
WIN one? The generous people at Strider are offering one Oh My Baby reader their very own
Orange Strider Running Bike. Leave your comment by December 10th. One random winner will chosen and have 48 hours to respond.
To enter (this is mandatory):

Strider and leave me a comment telling me one thing you learned about Strider Running Bikes.
For extra entries:
- Sign up for Strider's newsletter
- Become a follower of Oh My Baby ( 2 extra)
- Add an Oh My Baby button to your sidebar (leave me the link)
- Help spread the word and blog about this giveaway (leave me the link)
- Add an Oh My Baby Holiday Extravaganza button to your sidebar (leave me the link)
- Enter any of my other giveaways (one entry per giveaway)
- Make a purchase from Strider (5 extra)
I recieved this product free of charge for a review. The views and opinions are my own and were not influenced in any way.
I learned that control is further enhanced with a low and flat handlebar design. Kids can now reach forward rather than up, which gives them better leverage and maneuverability.
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first test rider -- after riding a Strider™ prototype for only six months -- was riding a two-wheel pedal bike without training wheels at age three. That is great.
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entered duncan hines giveaway
I learned that the bike helps kids learn balance before pedaling which helps their confidence.
http://www.alabandababy.blogspot.com I have your button on my blog.
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It helps a child learn balance before pedaling! THIS IS SUCH A GREAT IDEA! Easy transition to big bike..you can skip the training wheels! Vanessa.Iaquinta@gmail.com
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I entered duncan hines! Vanessa.Iaquinta@gmail.com
Strider’s lightweight design and low center of gravity make it easy to maneuver and control.
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also entered Duncan Hines giveaway
The bike helps them to learn balance... Wouldn't a world without training wheels be great?
carlamo (at) ymail (dot) com
I entered the Boogie giveaway.
carlamo (at) ymail (dot) com
I learned that these bikes help kids to learn balance before pedaling. Very cool!
I entered the wii giveaway.
carlamo (at) ymail (dot) com
I entered the Whoops giveaway.
carlamo (at) ymail (dot) com
I entered the Duncan Hines giveaway.
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I entered the photo calander giveaway.
carlamo (at) ymail (dot) com
I learned that the low, flat handlebar enhances control!
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I learned that the company offers a 60 day money back refund, instead of the normal 30 day.
I learned about the tires which are puncture proof and are lightweight!!
I entered the Duncan Hines giveaway
i learned the strider bike was developed by a dad who modified a store bought bike.
i am signed up for strider newsletter.
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I learned that the tires are made of EVA polymer.
I signed up for the Strider newsletter.
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It's all about leverage and balance - why hasn't somebody designed one of these way before now?!
I learned that The Strider™ running bike is free from any cables, chains, sprockets, pedals or protrusions that can harm your child. Thanks for the chance to win.
Oh My Baby Holiday Extravaganza button - http://michellechappellphotography.blogspot.com/
It makes sense that kids can learn to ride a bike earlier and faster if they learn balance and coordination before they need to pedal.
I want one of these for my two year old so bad! I love that they focus on balance rather than pedaling. The balance is by far the hardest part. These bikes help kids ride regular bikes much earlier than a tricycle would.
jaimiemildred at gmail dot com
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I entered the Mia Mallow giveaway
That the bike's use can be prolonged by purchasing standard tubing.
Looks really neat though I have to admit I am skeptical about 18 months +. CHloe is almost three and not a great balancer
I like that it teaches balance before learning to pedal
what a unique bike! i have never seen this - love that The Strider™ is outfitted with puncture-proof, EVA polymer tires.
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i learned the Strider™ running bike helps toddlers learn balance and coordination
entered duncan hines giveaway
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I entered the Softlips giveaway!
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I learned that it helps balance and coordination! Thanks!
coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com
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I entered the Amon giveaway
i sent an email to info@holeydonuts.net with Oh My Baby in the subject line to get 1 extra entry into EACH giveaways!
i enterred the mia mallows giveaway.
i enetered the softlips giveaway.
I sent an email to win some delicious donuts!!! MMM!!! Vanessa.Iaquinta@gmail.com
I sent an email to Holey Donuts!
I entered the Brya's Baskets giveaway.
Thanks for the chance! I would love to win it for my son! bekki1820cb@gmail.com
I like that it has adjustable seat and handlebars. bekki1820cb@gmail.com
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entered the amon maternity giveaway
the bike can help your little one balance better and gives better control
beingagreatmommy at gmail.com
I learned if you can walk, you can ride this! I also learned it's easy to assemble
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I have your holiday Extravaganza button http://mikeracheltobin.blogspot.com/
I have your button http://mikeracheltobin.blogspot.com/
I entered the Duncan hines Giveaway
I entered the Cook's Ham giveaway.
I like that The Strider™ running bike is free from any cables, chains, sprockets, pedals or protrusions that can harm your child. wow, no training wheels, I wish I'd had that when my kids were smaller, but my grandson would love it!
micaela6955 at msn dot com
bonus entry Holey Donuts sent them email
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got event button on sidebar
entered wii game/wii fit plus board giveaway
micaela6955 at msn dot com
entered Duncan Hines giveaway
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entered Breas baskets
entered Cooks Ham
the bike’s adjustable seat height starts at 11 inches from the ground, accommodating the shortest of legs.
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
I entered the Pampers travel wipes giveaway.
I learned that it helps your child learn to balance before pedaling.
I entered the duncan hines giveaway.
I entered the pampers diaper clutch giveaway.
I learned that "The Strider™ running bike is free from any cables, chains, sprockets, pedals or protrusions that can harm your child."
felicehalf at yahoo dot com
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I learned they are half the weight of a regular bike
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I entered your Wii giveaway
I entered the Apple and Ivy giveaway.
It's helps kids learn balance!
I entered the wii game and wii fit plus board giveaway!
I entered for the Mia Mallows.
jaimiemildred at gmail dot com
I entered for the softlips!
jaimiemildred at gmail dot com
I entered the Amon Maternity giveaway.
jaimiemildred at gmail dot com
I emailed Holey Donuts with your name in the subject line.
jaimiemildred at gmail dot com
I entered for Cooks Ham.
jaimiemildred at gmail dot com
I entered the Snugfits giveaway.
I learned that it's easier for kids to learn to ride a bike if they learn balance and coordination before they have to pedal.
I signed up for the Strider Newsletter.
I learned the tires are puncture proof, so no flats
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i emailed Holey Donuts
I learned that kids build confidence when riding this and its low manitence. great giveaway! Thanks! jacquecurl1@gmail.com
I subscribed to their newsletter. jacquecurl1@gmail.com
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I follow you. jacquecurl1@gmail.com
Designed for children, ages 1 - 5
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i entered wii fit board
I entered the Hello Hannah giveaway.
I entered the Post it giveaway.
I learned that it's better and easier for children to learn balance and coordination BEFORE pedaling.
jewell330 at aim dot com
It helps toddlers learn balance and coordination BEFORE pedaling
susanerios at hotmail.com
there is an optional seat for taller children. the bike is made for children as young as 1
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I entered your wii contest
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i entered Hello Hanna giveaway
entered Post Its giveaway
I entered the Anti Monkey Butt giveaway!
I entered the 3M giveaway
i entered apple and ivy giveaway
I learned that the Strider running bike is free from any cables, chains, sprockets, pedals or protrusions that can harm your child.
imsosweepy { at } gmail { dot } com
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I have your Holiday Extravaganza button!
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I entered the boogie wipes giveaway!
imsosweepy { at } gmail { dot } com
I entered the whoops bunny giveaway!
imsosweepy { at } gmail { dot } com
I entered the gourmet marshmallow giveaway!
imsosweepy { at } gmail { dot } com
I entered the softlips giveaway!
imsosweepy { at } gmail { dot } com
I entered the lunchpunch giveaway.
Wow, never heard of this, what an awesome idea!! For kids to learn balance and coordination before they even get to the pedaling is awesome!! Nice stuff!!
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I learned they have punctur proof tires
The Strider teaches confidence & balance on two wheels.
littleesmama at gmail dot com
How neat! Good for balance!jennif3783@aol.com
I learned that if my child can walk he/she can ride a Strider!
shannoncarman at yahoo dot com
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shannoncarman at yahoo dot com
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shannoncarman at yahoo dot com
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