
Fisher-Price® TRIO™ Review and Giveaway

If you've ever been toy shopping I'm sure you've seen the name Fisher-Price a time or two. I know my house is busting at the seams with many Fisher-Price toys. That's why when I was asked to try out their new TRIO™ I jumped at the chance.

I received the Basic Building System for J to try out. He loves this toy! He's always loved stacking and building with his blocks so I knew this would be a hit. There are 100 pieces of blocks, sticks, panels and even a little figure that all go into a handy storage container for easy clean up. The lid of the storage container also acts as a building base for your child's creations. What we really like about these blocks is that they snap together. This helps keep J's creations together when he accidentally knocks them over. J is at the younger end of the age group for this toy so in the beginning he had a little trouble snapping the pieces together and taking them apart. Don't feel bad for him though because he caught on really quick and now there's no stopping him.

The TRIO™ building system even comes with a booklet of great ideas and instructions to help your child make a helicopter, robot and more. J is too independent now and never wants any help. Take a look at how much fun he's having...

I promise I didn't plan to have that other Fisher-Price toy in the background. That's baby L's favorite toy. See what I mean, my house is busting at the seams with Fisher-Price!

Want to buy a Fisher-Price® TRIO™? Use this $5 off coupon. Hurry up because the coupon expires 10/1.

Want to WIN a Fisher-Price® TRIO™? Stop by Fisher-Price and tell me one of your favorite toys other then the TRIO. You have until Oct 15th to leave your comment. Winner will have 72 hours to respond.

Extra Entries (leave each as a separate comment)
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- Make a purchase from Fisher-Price (5 extra)

For the fine print: I received a Fisher-Price® TRIO™ free of charge as part of a product review program. The opinions are my own. I was not compensated in any other way.


Natalie A. said... 1

I love the Laugh & Learn™ Learning Puppy™! It can entertain a child for a long time! Thanks!

coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 2

My kids would go crazyyyyyyyyyyyyy over the Shake n Go!!


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Anonymous said... 3

I own, which is a Canadian Contest and Freebie site. This giveaway is shared here:


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Michelle @Flying Giggles said... 4

I also like their Laugh & learn Piano! I cannot find your "follow" widget. I would love to follow your blog!

Michelle @Flying Giggles said... 5

I entered the smart mom jewelery giveaway

Michelle @Flying Giggles said... 6

Following your blog! Thanks for letting me know it is back up!

Michelle @Flying Giggles said... 7

Following #2

Michelle @Flying Giggles said... 8

I added you to my technorati favorites.

Bombtastic Belle said... 9

I also like the GoBabyGo Drum Roll :)

Carisa said... 10

The baby stroller baby walker ;)


Carisa said... 11

You're listed in my Treats for Tots post ;)

karmama said... 12

My kids love their Kid Tough Doodler

Sharon said... 13

We like Geo Trax!

sharonsaad at gmail dot com

Lena Blair said... 14

My son loves to pretend play with people and animals so I love all the Little People especially the Learn About Town!!!

Lena Blair said... 15

I am suscribed through Google Reader

Kim said... 16

love: Laugh & Learn™ Learning Farm

Kim said... 17


Kim said... 18

entered GlamourMom contest

Coupon Clippin Mommy said... 19

I like the imaginext line.

Carla said... 20

Definitely Geo Trax for us!

Carla said... 21

I became a follower.

Carla said... 22

I entered your 100th post giveaway of the burp cloth and bib.

K K said... 23

I love Fisher Price Little People

Meli_Mama said... 24

I am definitely adding the Trio to my Christmas research list. We love Little People, and it is so neat to see the 50th Anniversary sets they have out - I remember playing with the school and house.

Laura said... 25

The baby stroller :)

Natalie A. said... 26

I follow your blog! 1

coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com

Natalie A. said... 27

I entered the Smart Mom Giveaway! Thanks!

coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com

Natalie A. said... 28

I subscribe!

coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com

MoonChylde said... 29

We love Fisher Price Little People here!

moonchylde02 @ gmail . com

MoonChylde said... 30

Became a Follower!

MoonChylde said... 31

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MoonChylde said... 32

Added a button to our blog!

Unknown said... 33

Can't go wrong with the classic Race & Ramp toy garage!


bison61 said... 34

I like the Little Superstar Jammin’ Band Musical microphone

tiramisu392 (at)

Dee said... 35

I have a 2 year old and a newborn..I also like the Rainforest™ Peek-a-Boo Leaves Musical Mobile™

Dee said... 36

now following-1

Dee said... 37


Dee said... 38

entered glamourmom

Natalie said... 39

another item i like is the Little People® Tot Rod™

Natalie said... 40

follow blog #2

Natalie said... 41

button in sidebar here:

Natalie said... 42

entered bib and burp cloth set giveaway

Mijal Photography said... 43

love their "Crazy Creatures"!

Mijal Photography said... 44

entered Smart Mom Jewelry giveaway

Mijal Photography said... 45

entered Glamour Mom giveaway

brandonsmom said... 46

i love all the laugh and learn stuff - especially the cookie jar!

mom2boys said... 47

I would love to get my son the laugh and learn puppy! Thanks

mom2boys said... 48

I'm following your blog! #1

mom2boys said... 49

Following your blog! #2

mom2boys said... 50

I entered the personalized bib and burp cloth set giveaway! Thanks

Unknown said... 51

My 3 year old loves the imaginext, especially the fire station!

wigget said... 52

i like the Little People® Spin ’n Crash Raceway™

wigget said... 53

entered Glamourmom Nursing Top giveaway

Michelle said... 54

My kids love all the Laugh and Learn toys..especially the house! Thanks!!

Anonymous said... 55

I love the Laugh & Learn Learning Farm...I think my little boy would LOVE it too!

Anonymous said... 56

I'm a follower #1

Anonymous said... 57

I'm a follower #2

Anonymous said... 58

I entered your chicken soup for the soul book giveaway!

Heidi said... 59

I think all of the Geo Trax products look like a lot of fun!

Sara said... 60

I like the Clifford Cool School computer software.

sarabrown77 at gmail dot com

Natalie A. said... 61

I blogged!

coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com

Mommy Daisy said... 62

My son loves his Kid-Tough™ Doodler Classic with 4 Stampers.

bison61 said... 63

I'd like the little people Animalville Town center

tiramisu392 (at)

Grace said... 64

My kids love little people - the farm, the house, the bus, the van, and just the people themselves---

jones1964 said... 65

My grandson loves any Fisher Price item that has little people. I think he would enjoy the farm.

Unknown said... 66

We love all of the little people and laugh and learn toys in this house! They are so much fun!

Anonymous said... 67

GeoTrax have been a huge hit in our house - I think my kids would love to add the Lift n Load Quarry to their set!
greenlancer at comcast dot net

Dolphin Girl said... 68

My kids love the Little people sets.l

The Halton Mom said... 69

We love Little People!

lil_wifey21 at yahoo dot com

The Halton Mom said... 70

I blogged it!
lil_wifey21 at yahoo dot com

The Halton Mom said... 71

I follow you!

lil_wifey21 at yahoo dot com

The Halton Mom said... 72

I follow you! 2

lil_wifey21 at yahoo dot com

Cher said... 73

Love the Laugh & Learn Learning Home!

janetfaye said... 74

I like Kid-Tough® Digital Camera.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Beckie said... 75

I'm not entering this one but I wanted to ask what toy was in the background of your pic? I can see the monkey and it looks like fun and like something my son may enjoy. Thanks!

Katrina said... 76

I just bought my daughter the barbie quad....I just love all things fisher price

ykatrina at hotmail dot com

daphne16 said... 77

My son loves using any of the power wheel toys. We r hopig to get him one.

Emilie said... 78

Both of our boys have always love their Amazing Animals Sing & Go Choo Choo. Wonderful toy!

Emilie said... 79

I'm following you now!

Ms. Cindy said... 80

I like the laugh and learn puppy! Thanks!

Ms. Cindy said... 81

I am a follower!

Ms. Cindy said... 82

I am a follower! 2

Ms. Cindy said... 83

I subscribe!

Ms. Cindy said... 84

I entered your personlized bib giveaway!

Ms. Cindy said... 85

Have your button up!

Belinda M said... 86

i like the Bat & Wobble Penguin

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Anonymous said... 87

love the learn about town, my daughter plays with this all the time at our library.

Fokxxy said... 88

We also love the geo trax. :)


Fokxxy said... 89

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entry #1


Fokxxy said... 90

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entry #2


Stephanie said... 91

We like Power Wheels around here, steffanie771 at

Amanda said... 92

Love the View Crew™ 3D Viewer—Dog, have to get that for my daughter this year!

Amanda said... 93

Entered the My Little Pony DVD giveaway

Chrissyb said... 94

I like the ocean wonders activity gym.

Chrissyb said... 95

follower 1

Chrissyb said... 96

follower 2

Chrissyb said... 97

entered the personalized bib and burpcloth giveaway.

the brown couch said... 98

GeoTrax™ International Grand Central Station

comfortjoydesigns AT gmail DOT com

Michigan Addy Ready

Michelle said... 99

The GeoTrax Timbertown Railway looks like fun! Thanks for teh chance to win.

Michelle said... 100

I entered the My Little Pony Giveaway.

Unknown said... 101

I love the trike, and the power wheels, my girl has an avalanvce and cant get enough of it!

Anonymous said... 102

I subscribe

Anonymous said... 103

Faved you on Technorati

Anonymous said... 104

I have always loved the Counting Corn Popper™ and had one as a kid myself!
one 4 earth at aol dot com

Anonymous said... 105

I grew up playing with the Little People® 50th Birthday™ Play ’n Go Farm (not the anniversary edition of course hahaha) and still love this item.
nynekats at aol dot com

Unknown said... 106

I love the Disney Princess tot rod! So adorable!

Fischer-Price is great! We're huge fans!

leoandchelle at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 107

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leoandchelle at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 108

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leoandchelle at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 109

I subscribe via Google Reader

leoandchelle at yahoo dot com

Cara said... 110

My kids love their Little People.

AStarrA said... 111

Digital Arts & Crafts Studio

AStarrA said... 112

Follow 2

Mommy Daisy said... 113

The Splatster looks like fun!

Jaimie said... 114

My daughter would die if she got a precious places princess!
jaimiemildred at

Jaimie said... 115

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jaimiemildred at gmail dot com

Jaimie said... 116

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jaimiemildred at gmail dot com

Jaimie said... 117

Subscribe through google reader.
jaimiemildred at gmail dot com

Jaimie said... 118

Technorati favorite, wyomingmom.
jaimiemildred at gmail dot com

Jaimie said... 119

Button's on my sidebar,
jaimiemildred at gmail dot com

flowerchild said... 120

i like the Precious Places™ Swan Palace


Kristie said... 121

The Computer Cool School is really neat!

khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

thesehappydays said... 122

We like the Load 'N Go wagon!

denimc (at} gmail {dot} come

thesehappydays said... 123

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thesehappydays said... 124

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