Chicken Soup For The Soul Winners
Congratulations to Elly and NatalieA! I have sent you emails.
Cookies Cookies Cookies
So lately I've been trying to find my inner Betty Crocker. I've been on this kick of making and decorating different cakes, cupcakes and cookies. I've been wanting to find a good sugar cookie recipe and different ways to decorate them. I've been reading up with some of my favorite bakers that I follow for new tips. I kept coming across a certain cookie decorating book that included a great recipe as well as ideas for decorating for any occassion.
So I finally decided I wanted to buy this book after seeing several people rave about it. With two little ones at home I find my shopping is usually done online so surfing the web I went. I looked in my usual spots like Amazon and ebay first. Then I came across a site called so I figured why not try it out? is a search based comparison shopping site. I typed in the title of my book and voila! Not only did it find my book, but it found it for 12% less then I originally found it on those other guys. Let's be honest in today's economy everyone is looking to save a buck wherever they can.

The price wasn't the only thing about that I liked. This site also had a question and answer forum. You can type in a question about a product you are looking for and other members respond with their thoughts and experiences. I've always thought it was better to get real first hand opinions about something rather then going with the professional critiques (who I never seem to agree with anyways).
Needless to say I'm super excited about my new book coming. And it's just in time to get some practice in before the holidays start. Check out next time you're online!
So I finally decided I wanted to buy this book after seeing several people rave about it. With two little ones at home I find my shopping is usually done online so surfing the web I went. I looked in my usual spots like Amazon and ebay first. Then I came across a site called so I figured why not try it out? is a search based comparison shopping site. I typed in the title of my book and voila! Not only did it find my book, but it found it for 12% less then I originally found it on those other guys. Let's be honest in today's economy everyone is looking to save a buck wherever they can.

The price wasn't the only thing about that I liked. This site also had a question and answer forum. You can type in a question about a product you are looking for and other members respond with their thoughts and experiences. I've always thought it was better to get real first hand opinions about something rather then going with the professional critiques (who I never seem to agree with anyways).
Needless to say I'm super excited about my new book coming. And it's just in time to get some practice in before the holidays start. Check out next time you're online!
Because babies LOVE to throw things

So you can only imagine how excited I was to try out No Throw. No Throw is a baby bottle and sippy cup tether that you can strap to any carseat, stroller, high chair etc. With it's adjustable velcro strap you are able to secure any size bottle or sippy cup. You never have to worry about about losing or dropping another bottle again.
I like to take my No Throw on our morning stroll around the neighborhood. Baby L is learning to use his sippy cup now so you can only imagine how many times it gets dropped. No Throw is long enough for him to grab the cup himself but short enough it doesn't hit the ground when he drops it. They come in a variety of designs for both boys and girls. I love the orange with alphabets that we chose.
Want to buy one? Check out No Throw's site or stop by your local Walgreen stores. Buy up to 6 online and get free shipping. Want more then 6? Then shipping is only $1
Want to WIN one?? One Oh My Baby reader will win a No Throw in their choice of design. Visit No Throw and leave me a comment telling me your favorite design. Giveaway ends Sept 16th.
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Beibi Infant Shoes Giveaway

If you keep up with me you may remember that I did a giveaway for a pair of Wee Squeak Shoes in the past. We'll I've got another giveaway for a pair of shoes from Wee Squeak's new line of infant shoes, Beibi.
Beibi shoes are for little ones ages 0-24 months. They don't squeak like the original Wee Squeak shoes. Beibi shoes come in a variety of colors and styles for both boys and girls.
These adorable shoes are made of soft leather and fabric and have a rubber sole and toe. They are also flexible, perfect for little ones trying to walk. Their velcro closure made it snap to get on and off of baby L's feet.
Want to buy a pair? Visit Beibi's site to see all of their cute designs.
Want to WIN a pair? Leave me a comment telling me your favorite shoe by Monday, Sept 14th. One random winner will get their choice of Beibi shoe and size. Winner will have 72 hours to respond.
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Beibi shoes are for little ones ages 0-24 months. They don't squeak like the original Wee Squeak shoes. Beibi shoes come in a variety of colors and styles for both boys and girls.

Want to buy a pair? Visit Beibi's site to see all of their cute designs.
Want to WIN a pair? Leave me a comment telling me your favorite shoe by Monday, Sept 14th. One random winner will get their choice of Beibi shoe and size. Winner will have 72 hours to respond.
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infant shoes
Got Free Ecards and GC Giveaway

You can do more then just email the ecards because GotFreeCards also has free printable cards. You can personalized your card with text and a photo and then print it out in the comfort of your own home. You don't even need to register or download anything to do it.
The generous people of GotFreeCards wants to give 1 lucky Oh My Baby reader a $15 gift card to All you have to do is leave a comment telling me which one of their free Birthday ecards is your favorite. You have until September 5th to leave your comment. Winner will have 72 hours to respond. Good Luck!
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Solo Summer Fun
I think everyone has used those red Solo plastic cups at some point in their lives. A birthday party, backyard bbq, or playing a few "games" while at a college frat party. Did you know Solo has come out with a new Solo Squared™ cup?
"With a unique, Squared™ shape and more side grips, you are guaranteed a great hold no matter where you grab the cup. That means fewer spills, less mess and less stress for you. And the new, easy to hold, 9oz cup with a lid and straw is perfect for smaller hands whether you’re at home or on-the-go"
To help spread the word about these great new cups Solo is having a Photo Contest for you to share how Solo has been a part of your everyday and special occasions. Enter your photo for a chance to win a grand prize of $5,000! There are daily and weekly prizes too.
Solo sent me a Summer Sponsored by Solo Kit. Included great things for summer fun like sidewalk chalk, water balloons, treats and of course some new Solo Squared cups. I took a few pics while using these items and actually decided to enter one of my photos into their Photo Contest. I won one of the daily prizes, a coupon for free Solo cups. Here's the picture of Baby L that I entered. He loved playing with the cups! As you can see even a baby can grip these new squared cups.

Oh and they aren't just red anymore, check out SoloGrips Ultra Colors. They come in cool colors like blue, green and orange to help match whatever your theme may be.

To help spread the word about these great new cups Solo is having a Photo Contest for you to share how Solo has been a part of your everyday and special occasions. Enter your photo for a chance to win a grand prize of $5,000! There are daily and weekly prizes too.
Solo sent me a Summer Sponsored by Solo Kit. Included great things for summer fun like sidewalk chalk, water balloons, treats and of course some new Solo Squared cups. I took a few pics while using these items and actually decided to enter one of my photos into their Photo Contest. I won one of the daily prizes, a coupon for free Solo cups. Here's the picture of Baby L that I entered. He loved playing with the cups! As you can see even a baby can grip these new squared cups.
Oh and they aren't just red anymore, check out SoloGrips Ultra Colors. They come in cool colors like blue, green and orange to help match whatever your theme may be.
Chicken Soup for the Soul Books Giveaway

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Tough Times, Tough People reminds us that tough times won't last, but tough people will. Tough People is all about overcoming adversity, pulling together, making do with less, facing challenges, and finding new joys in a simpler life. This new collection shares tales of people who have been laid off, lost their homes, and endured wrenching life changes, but discovered the underlying gifts in their new situations. More time at home with family, creative "staycations," more satisfying job opportunities, and renewed gratitude for health and life are just a few of the silver linings these survivors have learned to cherish. It also includes 10 bonus stories of faith.
Win it: 2 lucky Oh My Baby readers will win their own copy of Chicken Soup for the Soul: Tough Times, Tough People. Leave a comment telling me one thing you now do differently in today's economy. Leave your comment by Friday, August 28th.
For extra entries (leave a separate comment for each):
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Win it: 2 lucky Oh My Baby readers will win their own copy of Chicken Soup for the Soul: Tough Times, Tough People. Leave a comment telling me one thing you now do differently in today's economy. Leave your comment by Friday, August 28th.
For extra entries (leave a separate comment for each):
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Pocketville: Play for free

Have you heard of Pocketville? It's this cute computer game that lets you pick a virtual pet to adopt and then style, dress, feed and shop for. There are also a variety of games to play along the way. It's safe fun for boys and girls.
First, you pick your player called an avatar. You start at the avatar salon where you can choose anything from hair and eye color to accessories like sunglasses and earrings. You can make the avatar look just like your child.
Next, pick your pet. You choose from a variety of pets to adopt. There are different kinds of dogs, cats and even a hippo to choose from. Then take your pet around town to play games. Stop by the Palace and paint your own picture. Take a picture of you and your pet at the Photo Shop. My son's favorite game was making sundaes at the ice cream parlor.
You can buy tokens to use to adopt, feed and dress your pet. You can even buy him toys to play with. As you play games, you earn Pawllers which you can exchange for snacks, shirts and a few things to decorate your virtual room. You can even link up and make friends with other kids who are playing. Parents, don't worry no personal information is shared with "friends" or anyone else. This is a safe game for kids as young as 4 years old (with parent supervision of course).
Does Pocketville sound like something your son or daughter would love to try out? If so, it's your lucky day because I'm going to give you a voucher code that will give you 250 FREE Tokens to get you started. You can even share this code with your friends. This code expires on September 30, 2009 so make you take advantage of this offer while it lasts. Have fun!
You can buy tokens to use to adopt, feed and dress your pet. You can even buy him toys to play with. As you play games, you earn Pawllers which you can exchange for snacks, shirts and a few things to decorate your virtual room. You can even link up and make friends with other kids who are playing. Parents, don't worry no personal information is shared with "friends" or anyone else. This is a safe game for kids as young as 4 years old (with parent supervision of course).
Does Pocketville sound like something your son or daughter would love to try out? If so, it's your lucky day because I'm going to give you a voucher code that will give you 250 FREE Tokens to get you started. You can even share this code with your friends. This code expires on September 30, 2009 so make you take advantage of this offer while it lasts. Have fun!
Voucher Code: B9GX8NUDYS
Valid for 250 Pocketville Tokens
Valid for 250 Pocketville Tokens
Booby Trapper Review and Giveaway

They say breastfeeding is best for your baby. Then why do I always feel like a car accident on the side of the road because people can't stop starring at me? I plan my day around feeding times so that I'm always home for them. Not an easy feat to say the least.
I had the chance to try out the Booby Trapper, a revolutionary nursing tent. I've tried other nursing covers before but this one was different. The Booby Trapper is larger then other nursing covers which allows more privacy. I'm not always fidgiting around making sure every inch of me is covered. What makes Booby Trapper so special is its, patent pending, second row of boning that suspends the fabric away from baby's head and face. Other nursing covers only have 1 boning so the fabric is still allowed to flop onto baby's face. I was always holding the fabric out with my other hand to make sure baby was still breathing. With this second row of boning I can look right down at baby's face and he can look right back at me. It makes for a better bonding experience.

Booby Trapper's are made in a variety of lightweight and breathable fabrics allowing for great airflow. There are a number of stylish patterns to choose from including several organic options. Even though the Booby Trapper is a larger size then most nursing covers, it still folds up small enough to fit into any diaper bag making it more convenient to tote around.
Want to win your own Booby Trapper? Stop by their website and leave me a comment about your favorite fabric? One random winner will win their own Booby Trapper in one of their top 3 fabric choices. Fabric designs are always changing. Leave your comment by Monday, Aug 24th. Good Luck! U.S. and Canada
nursing cover
I just can't believe it!
I went to my local Giant grocery store today for our weekly shopping trip. We usually do this trip either as a whole family or I go and leave daddy home with the kids (it's sometimes my only quiet time during the week). It's been a busy weekend so I made the trip today with baby in tow, leaving daddy home to get things done around the house while J napped.
I quickly realized as soon as I got there this must have been the first time I had ever been to Giant alone with the baby (we shop at 3 different grocery stores). Baby L is just a few months old and isn't sitting up in a shopping cart yet so I keep him in his car seat and pop the seat into the top part of the shopping cart. You know the seat where older kids can sit and buckle themselves in. Much to my surprise, Baby L and his car seat didn't fit! Really? I adjusted it a few times and there was no way this car seat was going to fit safely. I looked around to see if there were other shopping carts. Maybe this one was defective? Maybe they have different size shopping carts? Nope and nope. I had no choice but to put the car seat in the open area of the cart where all of my food goes. Well the car seat took up the entire cart. I even had to put it at a slight angle so it wouldn't rock back and forth when I walked. I started shopping, produce first, and by the time I was done the seat area of the cart was full and there were items tucked around the car seat. Where was I going to put my milk gallon, meat and everything else?
By the time I made it to the checkout line the cart was packed to the rim and the entire bottom rack where the wheels are was stacked with items almost falling off. Then came checkout. Where were all of the bags going to go? I was forced to put the car seat in the seat area of the cart (you remember, where it didn't fit safely). The bagger put all of my groceries in and watched as I could barely control my cart. I was holding the car seat in place because every step I took made it shake and it was angled so high I could barely see over it. The worst part, not a single person offered to help me to my car.
I couldn't believe what a mess this shopping trip was. I mean, aren't mothers one of the biggest if not the biggest percentage of grocery shoppers? How does a grocery store not have a shopping cart that can fit a car seat? I just couldn't believe it!
I quickly realized as soon as I got there this must have been the first time I had ever been to Giant alone with the baby (we shop at 3 different grocery stores). Baby L is just a few months old and isn't sitting up in a shopping cart yet so I keep him in his car seat and pop the seat into the top part of the shopping cart. You know the seat where older kids can sit and buckle themselves in. Much to my surprise, Baby L and his car seat didn't fit! Really? I adjusted it a few times and there was no way this car seat was going to fit safely. I looked around to see if there were other shopping carts. Maybe this one was defective? Maybe they have different size shopping carts? Nope and nope. I had no choice but to put the car seat in the open area of the cart where all of my food goes. Well the car seat took up the entire cart. I even had to put it at a slight angle so it wouldn't rock back and forth when I walked. I started shopping, produce first, and by the time I was done the seat area of the cart was full and there were items tucked around the car seat. Where was I going to put my milk gallon, meat and everything else?
By the time I made it to the checkout line the cart was packed to the rim and the entire bottom rack where the wheels are was stacked with items almost falling off. Then came checkout. Where were all of the bags going to go? I was forced to put the car seat in the seat area of the cart (you remember, where it didn't fit safely). The bagger put all of my groceries in and watched as I could barely control my cart. I was holding the car seat in place because every step I took made it shake and it was angled so high I could barely see over it. The worst part, not a single person offered to help me to my car.
I couldn't believe what a mess this shopping trip was. I mean, aren't mothers one of the biggest if not the biggest percentage of grocery shoppers? How does a grocery store not have a shopping cart that can fit a car seat? I just couldn't believe it!
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