
GoPicnic Review and Giveaway

GoPicnic meals are ready-to-eat tasty food anytime, anywhere. These meals are perfect for on the go especially since they don't require refrigeration.

I was able to try some of these meals myself. I chose the Safari Munch, Explore Munch, GoPrimo, and GoPower. They arrived just in time for the weekend as we already had plans to head out to the park. Normally I would be hesistant about boxed meals but then I realized they were packed full of brands I already knew and could find in my regular grocery store. The GoPower meals happen to include my already favorite Mariani dried cranberries. Some other well known brands packed into these meals include Stacy's Bagel Chips, Chicken of the Sea, and my new favorite spread, Nutella. My son's favorite were the gummi bears (big surprise there right?!) I was happy to see that the meals include everything you need including a plastic knife for spreading and a lemon hand wipe for easy clean up. Only thing missing was a drink to wash it all down.

GoPicnic has something for everyone. They have vegan, kosher, and gluten free meals. They're perfect to grab and go on road trips, to sports games, for lunch at work or in a park.

Now it's your turn to try some GoPicnic meals. Simply stop by GoPicnic and leave me a comment telling me what two meals you would like to try. TWO WINNERS will each get TWO MEALS of their choice. You have until midnight, August 17th.

For extra entries (please leave each one as a separate comment)
- Help spread the word and blog or twitter about this giveaway
- Subscribe to Oh My Baby's blog
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- Grab an Oh My Baby button and put it on our sidebar


Emily E. said... 1

wow- so many great choices to choose from- I want them all! I think I'd like AquaMunch and GoPrimo.

Emily E. said... 2

New subscriber.

Sylvia said... 3

I would like to try the GoDelight andthe GoEnergy

amanda said... 4

I'd love to try the GoDeli and the GoPower.
oheeyore at hotmail dot com

amanda said... 5

blog follower
oheeyore at hotmail dot com

Steph said... 6

I would choose the GoDeli and the GoPower. Thanks!

Diane said... 7

I would like to try the GoTrek and the

Diane said... 8

Bunny said... 9

I would love to try JungleMunch and GalaxyMunch!

Bunny said... 10

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Bunny said... 11

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Bunny said... 12

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Bunny said... 13

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wigget said... 14

i'd like to try the SportsMunch and the AquaMunch

Sewing-Chick said... 15

Wow, how do you pick just two? Go Savory and GoEnjoy

Nancy said... 16

I'd like to try GoTrek and GoSavory! They sound delish!

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Nancy said... 17

I subscribe to your RSS feed.

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Heidi said... 18

I'd love to try the GoDeli and GoTrek!!

phxbne said... 19

ExploreMunch and SunnyBreak

phxbne said... 20


wrk2liv said... 21

GoPrimo and GoEnjoy look good.

Diane said... 22

throuthehaze said... 23

I like the CafeBreak and JungleMunch
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

throuthehaze said... 24

throuthehaze at gmail dot com

throuthehaze said... 25

subscribe in google reader
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Katie | said... 26

I think the GoPrimo Croissant & Fruit and the AnywhereBreak
Steak Nuggets, Chips & Salsa sound great!
kkondek at

Katie | said... 27

kkondek at

Katie | said... 28

I follow!
kkondek at

Amy said... 29

I'd like to try the Wild Salmon with Vegetables and the GoPower. Thanks!

acm211 [at] gmail [dot] com

Diane said... 30

Belinda M said... 31

SafariMunch and ComfortBreak are my two choices

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Belinda M said... 32

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Kristy said... 33

I'd love to try the Salami and cheese and the Fruit and cheese packs!

Kristy said... 34


Kristy said... 35

Following your blog

Kristy said... 36

Have your button up, www.iheartshoppingmomma.blogspot.

Jamie Leigh said... 37

Sunbutter & Jam and SafariMunch both look delicious!

Jamie Leigh said... 38


bison61 said... 39

I picked the GoTrek and the GoEnjoy

tiramisu392 (at)

matt0701 said... 40

I'd like to try the Go Trek and Go Energy.

I've been wanting to try their products. I was so excited to see they were doing a giveaway!

matt0701 said... 41

I tweeted about the giveaway!

matt0701 said... 42

I subscribed to your blog in google reader.

TZel said... 43

I would like to try the Go Primo and the GoEnergy. i am a big hummus and Nutella fan. Difficult to choose! Thanks!

Julie Donahue said... 44

I like the GoTrek and the GoDeli

~ Cee ~ said... 45

I would try the GoDeli and GoSavory. I like sweet treats, but prefer salty much more :) Thanks for the giveaway!

ceevegnashville [at] gmail [dot] com

Aimee said... 46

The GoSavory & the GoEnjoy look yummy.

janejett said... 47

picnic time

Carrie said... 48

i'd like the godelight and the gotrek.

Linda said... 49

I like the CafeBreak and ComfortBreak.

Secret Burkheiser said... 50

I would choose Explore Munch and Jungle Munch

Megret said... 51

NaturalBreak and GoEnjoy would be my picks!
musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com

rebecca said... 52

I like Go Deli and Galaxy Munch!

gitrecca at gmail dot com

Diane said... 53

JeansandTs said... 54
I would choose the GoSavory and GoEnjoy meals if I won.

makeetis said... 55

I think I would like the anywhere break and steak and nuggets snack mix.

selinda_mccumbers said... 56

I would like the GoDeli and the sports munch!


WM said... 57

I'd probably go with the Sports Munch and the Galaxy Munch!


Dolphin Girl said... 58

Safari munch and go savory

Julie Donahue said... 59

Galaxy Munch and Go Savory

Unknown said... 60

I would choose the Safari and Explore!! These are very neat!!
eclaireham at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 61

Blog follower!!
eclaireham at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 62

Subscribing via My Yahoo!
eclaireham at yahoo dot com

Ann On and On... said... 63

I LOVE these products! It has to be the coolest thing I have seen! Thanks!

I like so many, but Go Energy and Go Delight are great because I am a vegetarian.

Ann On and On... said... 64

I posted and linked your giveaway....come on over and check it out, on the left side of my blog, where my readers know to go.... thanks again for the giveaway!

Ann On and On... said... 65

I follow your blog.

jerricaparr said... 66

I'd love to try the Salami & Cheese AND Chips, Salsa & Crunch!

jerricaparr said... 67

i follow your blog.

Anonymous said... 68

I would like to try the CafeBreak and sports munch!

Anonymous said... 69

I'm a follower!

Anonymous said... 70

I'm a subscriber!

Uncles said... 71

Explore Munch and Sports Munch

Anonymous said... 72

I would like to try the AnywhereBreak and the ZestyBreak

weblynx at

Anonymous said... 73

I have your button on my blog!

Anonymous said... 74


Unknown said... 75

I'd try the SafariMunch and the GoPower.

Mommy Daisy said... 76

I like the ComfortBreak and JungleMunch.

Steph said... 77


Steph said... 78

I subscribed via Google Reader.

lollipoplamia said... 79

I'd like to try AnywhereBreak and GoEnjoy

Tara said... 80

I like the ExploreMunch and the ZestyBreak

Kris said... 81

I would love to try the GoSavory and the SportsMunch.


Anonymous said... 82

I'd like the Cafe Break and the Jungle Munch.


Unknown said... 83

I think I would choose the galaxy much, and the Jungle Munch. It is so hard to choose they all look so good.

melanie said... 84

I would choose the Aqua Munch, and the AnywhereBreak meals! These are great!

my2boyz said... 85

Jungle Minch and Aqua Munch would be great for my boys starts soon

nancy said... 86

this is a neat site, good idea i like the mighty munch kids meals and break meals.
nsurja at hotmail dot com

Diana D said... 87

Very neat site. My husband has been a Vegan for a couple of years now. I was impressed to see some Vegan meals. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.

dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com

yyeres said... 88

I would get the AquaMunch Sunbutter & Jam and the ComfortBreak Almond Butter & Jam. yyeres(at)gmail(dot)com

Nancy S. said... 89

I would like the Anywhere Break and Zesty Break meals.
ncschools at yahoo dot com

Nancy S. said... 90

I subscribe to your feed.
ncschools at yahoo dot com

Nancy S. said... 91

I tweeted.
ncschools at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 92

I tweeted!

Candie L said... 93

I would like the safari munch and the Go Trek. Thank you


Kathy P said... 94

i like the Turkey Pepperoni & Cheese and the Salami & Cheese

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