
The Baby Dipper Review and Giveaway

The time has come for baby L to start eating solids. All of a sudden I'm getting flashbacks of when his big brother J started solids. The mess wasn't fun to clean but it did make for some really great pictures.

This time around I'm getting a little help from Baby Dipper. I was lucky enough to get a chance to try out this great bowl and spoon set. It came in really handy yesterday when L took his first bites. L can't sit up on his own yet so it gets tricky helping him while trying to scoop food out of a bowl to feed him. Baby Dipper only requires one hand to feed. That's right one hand. The bottom of the bowl has a non slip base so the bowl doesn't move around the table. The contoured interior actually guides the food to one corner of the bowl and the spoon fits into the corner to get every last bite. Baby dipper was so easy to use and it allowed me to use my other hand to wipe down baby L's face...a lot.

Baby L will even be able to use this bowl and spoon set when he starts to feed himself. He won't be chasing the bowl around the table when he's reaching for food or be able to tip it over and make a mess.

The best part is that Baby Dipper is Phthalate-free and lead-free. It is also microwave safe.

One lucky Oh My Baby reader will win their very own Baby Dipper. Stop by Baby Dipper's website and tell me one thing you learned about the product, the owner, anything. Leave it in a comment below by midnight July, 27th. One winner will be chosen at random and will have 72 hours to respond.

For extra entries (only after you've done the one above) leave them as additional and separate comments

- Help spread the word and blog about this giveaway
- Follow Baby Dipper on twitter
- Become Baby Dipper's Facebook friend
- Become a follower of Baby Dipper's blog
- Become a follower of Oh My Baby
- Grab an Oh My Baby button and add it to your sidebar


susan said... 1

I learned that the creator of the Baby Dipper is a mom of two sets of twins!

susan said... 2

I follow Baby Dipper on twitter.

susan said... 3

I'm a Baby Dipper's Facebook friend.

Annie said... 4

I love that this is easy for toddler's with its so slip bottom and the bottom corner is spoon shaped, so it helps them get the food out easier.

I love that they are both entrepreneurs.

Annie said... 5

Im a FB fan of Baby Dipper

Annie said... 6

following on blogger

Anonymous said... 7

wow she's a mother of two sets of twins!

Kristen said... 8

I learned it should be hand washed.

Kristen said... 9

Following Baby Dipper on Twitter @kris10chumley

Kristen said... 10

Follower of the BD blog

Kristen said... 11

Following your blog

Julie said... 12

I learned that Barbara, the creator of the Baby Dipper, is one of the 3 winners of the HP Dara Torres Moms For Simplicity Essay contest

Julie said... 13

a blog follower of Oh My BAby

v said... 14

I learned that the Baby Dipper bowl is lead-free and phthalate-free.

v said... 15

I follow Baby Dipper on twitter as LiliBlossom

v said... 16

I am Baby Dipper's fan on Facebook - Lailiah binti Harun

fancygrlnancy said... 17

she has two sets of how does she do it.

bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com

fancygrlnancy said... 18

follow baby dipper on twitter

bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com

fancygrlnancy said... 19

baby dipper fb fan

bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT Com

fancygrlnancy said... 20

subscribe to their newletter

bwneyes100 AT Hotmail DOT com

Anonymous said... 21

I learned that is has a heavy non-slip base.

Anonymous said... 22

I'm a fan of Baby Dipper on Facebook.

Anonymous said... 23

I now follow the Baby Dipper's blog publicly.

Anonymous said... 24

I now follow you publicly too!

Anonymous said... 25

I just added your button to my sidebar:

Bitsy said... 26

I learned the Baby Dipper bowl should be hand washed.

Bitsy said... 27

Added your button to my blog:

Bitsy said... 28

I follow the Baby Dipper blog

Let's Just Give It Away said... 29

I learned that the Spoon fits in lower corner of bowl.

Let's Just Give It Away said... 30

I am a follower of Baby Dipper's blog.

Carrie M said... 31

Wow, two sets of twins. THat is impressive, I can barley manage my one 6 month old at feeding time. I like that it is usable with only one hand.

Jinxy said... 32

Is the Baby Dipper bowl microwave safe?
Yes, it is microwave safe, but microwaving of baby food risks scalding, so it is not recommended.

Sewing-Chick said... 33

Holy crap, two sets of twins! And one of them's named the same as my grandpa (Carlton).

Heidi said... 34

This looks THE ultimate bowl! I learned that the created of the Baby Dipper, Barbara Schantz, is the mom of four-year-old twin girls, Greta and Cora, and also the mother of twin baby boys, Franklin and Carlton.

wrk2liv said... 35

She has TWO sets of teins! Wow!

Belinda M said... 36

I learned that Contoured interior guides food to spoon

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Belinda M said... 37

I subscribe/follow your blog

Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at


Diana D said... 38

I learned that this bowl has a non slip base. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.

dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com

One Frugal Girl said... 39

The inventor is a mom of two sets of twins!

One Frugal Girl said... 40

I follow baby dipper on twitter.

One Frugal Girl said... 41

I subscribe to the baby dipper newsletter.

Jamie Leigh said... 42

Yes. Baby Dipper has been certified as being lead-free.

Jamie Leigh said... 43


Kim said... 44

I learned you cannot microwave it

Kim said... 45

follow them on twitter - kgail11

Kim said... 46


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